Day by day with IAC. Authors: Adolfo Castilla and José María González del Álamo
Thanks to the growing number of success stories that we are accumulating in the use of Collective Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter CAI), we begin a new stage in the Innovation Wars/CiBUC blog. This new stage had been in the making for some time and we now intend to develop it rapidly and extensively. The intention of the two authors is to put the IAC at the service of all, after a long and successful experience of application in the world of companies and various social institutions. Part of what we will do will be to disseminate the results obtained, as we do briefly in this post with the project El Valle Digital Sierra de la Demanda.
Utility of Collective Artificial Intelligence for everyday life everyone
We started this new blog with the intention of putting Collective Artificial Intelligence (CAI) at the service of companies in general and people in particular when it comes to better address their daily problems. We do so on the platform of Innovation Wars/CiBUC, a leading company in this field.

We recall that for several years has been maintained in the Web blogs of Adolfo Castilla(, another blog signed by the same two authors as this, that is, Collective Artificial Intelligence (, which will remain active with its current orientation. It is, as those who follow it well know, a blog to some extent scientific and sometimes somewhat academic.
It seemed to us that the IAC, besides being an instrument and methodology of a certain complexity and of great utility in companies, in diverse institutions and in society in general, is something very useful for people in their daily activities and in their relationships with other people. Taking advantage of the individual intelligences of a group of individuals empowered by their collective action, something that digital technology, the Internet and social networks in general allow today, is within everyone’s reach.
We all have the experience of how useful today’s social networks can be in the interrelation between people and companies, in obtaining detailed information on all kinds of matters, including goods, products and services, in improving individual decisions through the help received from the Network and, finally, in terms of the possibility of establishing personal and professional relationships of all kinds.
Dissemination of results obtained in TSI projects.
It is true that today’s networks, with a lot of artificial intelligence within them, lack methodology, techniques and purposes such as those we incorporate in our own approach to TSI. In due course we will offer on-line the conceptual and technological advances made by our company. We are working on it.
In the meantime, we have considered it necessary to disseminate and make available to all, what we are achieving in our numerous works, which are generally very successful, as can be seen by contacting the companies and institutions for which we have worked and work.
It is precisely this dissemination of results that we hope to carry out in this blog, always with the due authorization of those involved and in relation to what can be used publicly of the results obtained.
The list of companies and institutions for which we have worked is long and remarkable both for the category and for the complexity and diversity of sectors and challenges faced. All of them can be seen in our proposals and presentations, as well as in this Web page that is taking shape.
To mention one of the most successful projects, due to its mixed public-private activity and its social, collective and community character, we will refer to El Valle Digital Sierra de la Demanda, which is now starting its second phase of activity.
El Valle Digital as an example
El Valle Digital(, is a project of rural digital development, social mobilization, volunteering, collaboration and action, which covers a large area in the center of Burgos and at the same time the center of Castilla and Spain. It includes a total of 136 towns with 71 municipalities and more than 15,000 inhabitants. In the first phase of the project, 800 volunteers collaborated, 28 work teams were created and 30 initiatives and 51 digital business projects emerged from the activity of all of them, which will be progressively materialized in phase 2.
All of this is driven, facilitated and energized through the Collective Artificial Intelligence platform provided by CiBUC, which, as this success story demonstrates, positions intelligence as a key factor in the development of the company’s business. [artificial] The collective intelligence is the only technology available today with which to generate advanced intelligence, minimizing friction and maximizing commitment to the effective resolution of the proposed challenge. +INFO at CiBUC.COM and