Pandemic II. Authors: Adolfo Castilla and José María González del Álamo
We continue to explain in this new post the work done by the company Innovation Wars S. L./CiBUC for a well-known public institution in relation to the impact on our society of the COVID-19 pandemic. We use to a large extent the contents of the general report of the final report and the executive summary. After having explained in the After describing the general aspects of the project and the steps taken, we now turn to the overall approach of the work. As well asThe study was based on the context in which it was carried out, the general objective pursued and the methodology employed. We will dedicate one more post (the following one) to the subject with the presentation of the results obtained and suggestions for action.
Collective intelligence [artificial] at the service of the Public Administration
In a general way, and if the research had been purely academic, we would have to conclude that the general starting hypothesis has been confirmed. Lhe pandemic will be a turning point for humanity as a whole and most people are taking advantage of it to reflect and go into their more spiritual inner selves, to think of a better, smarter and more collaborative world and to use it as a tool to adapt to the radically different world that is rapidly coming upon us.
We do not know if many of the change and adaptation projects that people are considering and managing in an intelligent way, and that appear clearly in the work done, will become a reality in the coming years, but the COVID-19 has brought us a planetary awareness.
It has brought with it a return to the inner self, a confrontation of the material, the economic and the technological with the desire to make everything much more human and collaborative and a huge concern for the planet we live on and the need to take care of it.
It seems incredible that people think collectively in such a correct and intelligent way and the world, after everything has happened, can continue on a path of disorder, iniquity and abandonment. For this reason, the results of this work should be disseminated and used for a possible New Great Transformation of our society
Importance of what has been achieved
What was achieved through the contributions of the participants through a process of Collective Artificial Intelligence (CAI) shows a responsible, ethical, collaborative and intelligent position of people. With great interest in making appropriate and humane use of new technologies, creating a stable and inclusive society, improving health, education, political systems and all those that make up our social organizations. As well as, paying attention to the environment and taking care of the planet we live in.
The Power of Collective A.I.
The Intelligence [Artificial] Collective shows its full potential also for the Public Administration and for the management of the common good. This is the result of the study we are summarizing.
The field work, carried out in full confinement, has been oriented to know the potential of the pandemic as an adaptive tool with the collective identification of the best possible actions to successfully face the new world that is coming upon us.
As we often say, the basis of the CAR is the reflection of the participating group, always insisting on our part that it is not surveys that we carry out. Our job is idea generation, semantic analysis of responses, hybridization and clustering, or grouping, and comparison to get new and disruptive ideas to emerge from the overall process. We are therefore talking about a stigmergic (emergent) process.
The figure below shows the advantages of the IAC method designed and applied by Innovation Wars S.L./CiBUC.
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the need to undertake adaptive personal and social changes in multiple areas, accompanied by profound reforms in the…
Key objective
The aim was to find out how our society could transform the pandemic into its main ally to accelerate the great pending revolutions (digital, economic, health, climate, biological…).
For all the work carried out, the CiBUC © Technological Platform has been used to create a “collective brain” and generate an ephemeral neural network or “brain of brains” with which it is possible to transform and synthesize, with the valuable help of the IAC, the multitude of individual responses received into a few, but really intelligent, collective artificial responses, representative of all the valuable contributions. These collective responses were then prioritized by the participants, resulting in roadmaps for each of them. roadmaps of post-pandemic personal and social transformation.
Basic explanation of the process carried out: